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StatusNet911 Details

What is StatusNet911

StatusNet911 is a collaborative dashboard tool that allows dispatchers, charge nurses, and on-scene responders to share critical information about active EMS incidents, emergency patient triage information and available resources. The receiving hospitals are provided information on incoming ambulances including problem nature, CAD notes, and estimated time of arrival (ETA). StatusNet911 provides situational awareness when timely information means the difference between life and death.

StatusNet911 users in emergency dispatch are able to quickly determine what resources are available and direct EMS to route patients to the facility that is able to provide the best possible patient care. Dispatchers or Medical Duty Officers also have current Emergency Department (ED) turnaround times at their fingertips so that they can route patients to the appropriate ED preventing surges and delays in care. This also improves the return to service time for ambulance and crew.

How StatusNet911 Works

In ED admissions, users receive alerts when a patient is assigned to a hospital or healthcare facility. The StatusNet911 dashboard displays at-a-glance patient status and triage information and tracks units that are en route so staff can adequately prepare for their arrival.

StatusNet911 is a useful part of everyday operations. Many of our clients use StatusNet911 for their Hospital Emergency Ambulance Radio (HEAR) tests and use the All-Call feature to share information about inoperable equipment or system wide alerts. Sharing information such as BOLOs or localized epidemics increases safety and transport efficiency.

How StatusNet911 Helps

StatusNet911 is trusted by EMS agencies, emergency medical teams and hospitals. Staff members use it to share real-time ED triage status updates, hospital diversion status, and hospital bed availability during large scale disasters and Multi/Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs). StatusNet911’s disaster management MCI tool provides the ability to off-load the management of a large disaster event to a designated MCI Coordinator outside of the normal 9-1-1 activities. This allows 9-1-1 services to still manage normal operations while disaster management personnel can take over the MCI management. The MCI tool provides all the 9-1-1 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) incident activity in real-time and provides the MCI management team with the ability to assign patients to units, units to facilities, and request current triage and bed availability status. Temporary vehicles (e.g., ambulance, car, bus, helicopter) and temporary facilities (e.g., field hospitals, parking lots, churches, schools) can be added to the system as they are used in the field to manage the increased patient load.

Emergency room and ED triage status information is stored remotely on StatusNet911’s secure cloud server, ensuring first responders in the field can access the latest information and updates as events unfold.

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